Public Parking (2021)

Public Parking 2021 aimed to open up a shared lab space for Israeli and Palestinian dance and movement artists to research and develop new performance methodologies and practices that utilize the limitations imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic to develop new performance formats - fit for these times. The project had its premiere as part of the 2021 Israel Festival in June 2021 at the Yes Planet Underground Parking Lot in Abu Tour.For the past year and a half - it seems that the entire world has turned into a giant parking lot, we are all “parked” in-between somewhere and nowhere without knowing the expiration date of our “parking” state, nor the kind of world we’ll re-enter once we are permitted to leave our long-term ״parking״. So, the Public Parking 2021 is dedicated to the exploration of this state of in-betweeness and of parking, literally and figuratively.

The Yes Planet indoor parking lot became the site of our immersive, place-making event. The performance convenes as soon as the cars arrive at the site and surrounds the audience members viewing from within and outside of their cars.

A project of the JAMD Dance Ensemble
Artistic Director: Neta Pulvermacher.
Choreographers: Noam Fruchtlander Caspi, Roy Assaf, Sofia Krantzm, Itzik Galili, Mor Shani, Neta Pulvermacher, Rand Taha, Alma Livne.