February 2025 (dates TBA) I The Archive Vo.2/The Jews are to Blame for Everything, The Center for Jewish History, NYC.


July 30, 2024 I The Archive Vo.2/The Jews are to Blame for Everything, Beit Mazia, Jerusalem, Tickets

July 27, 2024 I The Archive Vo.2/The Jews are to Blame for Everything, Studio Ora, Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel Aviv, Tickets

July 6, 2024 I The Archive Vo.2/The Jews are to Blame for Everything, Studio Ora, Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel Aviv, Tickets

June 29, 2024 I The Archive Vo.2/The Jews are to Blame for Everything, Studio Ora, Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel Aviv, Tickets

May 23, 2024 I The Archive Vo.2/The Jews are to Blame for Everything, מחול בסלון, Jerusalem

May 8, 2024 I The Archive/The Jews are to Blame for Everything, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.

March 8-15, 2024 Residency and Performances of The Archive at KFW Villa 102 in Frankfurt Germany, for tickets click here

March 1st, 2024 Performance of the Solo version of The Archive in Kibbutz Lehavot Habashan, Israel

February 25, 2024 Performance of the Solo version of The Archive in Effrat, Israel as part of 5 חיים בתנועה

February 17, 2024 Performance of the Solo version of The Archive in Gallery Periscope, Tel Aviv

February 21, 22, 2024 A movement workshop for widows, sisters and mothers of soldiers killed in the October 7th War in Tushiya, Israel

January 31 and February 14: Workshops for women in Kibbutz Naan, Israel חיים בתנועה 5


July 18-20, 2023 I 7pm and 9pm, July 21 @ 11am The Archive (World Premiere), Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem for tickets click here

June 2, 2023 I The Archive, (work in progress) showing at the Ramle Center for Contemporary Art, 12 noon

April 19, 2023 I Workshop at Nana Program, Ganigar, Israel 19:30

February 21, 2023 I Utopia and the Night in Kyriat Mozkin at 16:00

February 15, 2023 I Utopia and the Night in Mizpe Ramon at 20:00

January 4 - February 5, 2023 I Fellowship creative residency for The Archive, Bogliasco Foundation, Italy


December 2 I Utopia and the Night, Kfar Vradim

November 10 I Utopia and the Night, Kibbutz Ganigar

October 19 I The Conference, 42N, New York, NY

October 11 I Utopia and the Night, Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC

August 5 I Utopia and the Night, Tmu-na, Tel Aviv

June 2nd I Sham-Po/Here There, Preview of The Aunts/The Conference, Machol Shalem, Jerusalem

May 22 I Utopia and the Night, Hamra, Ulpanat Zvia, Bikaat Hayarden

May 17 | 2280 Liters! Machol Shalem, Haparsa Street, Jerusalem

May 12 I Utopia and the Night, Omarim - Meggido

April 30 | Utopia and the Night, Kibbutz Saad

April 26 | 2280 Pints! Machol Shalem, Haparsa Street, Jerusalem

April 24 | 2280 Pints! Machol Shalem, Haparsa Street, Jerusalem

April 19 | 2280 Pints! , Machol Shalem, Haparsa street Jerusalem, 11:00 / 13:00

March 28 | Utopia and the Night, Jish, Gush Halav

March 2 | Utopia and the Night, Acco Theatre Center, for tickets: 04-9914222

February 23 | Utopia and the Night, Misgav

January 21 | Utopia and the Night, Itamar


December 29, 2021 2280 Pints! Machol Shalem Dance House, Jerusalem

December 20, 2021 2280 Pints! Machol Shalem Dance House, Jerusalem

November 23, 2021 2280 Pints! Pre- Premiere Showing, Machol Shalem Dance House, Jerusalem

September 22, 2021 Public Parking (excerpts) Science Museum, Jerusalem 7pm - 11pm

August 10, 11, 2021 Public Parking Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, 8pm

July 20, 2021 Public Parking and 2280 Pints 20:30, Yafo 161, Jerusalem

July 18, 2021 Utopia and the Nights 17:00, Moatsa Ezorit Eshkol

July 14, 2021 Utopia and the Nights Kibbutz Ein Geddi, 8pm

July 4th, 2021 Utopia and the Nights Rishon Lezion, Heychal Hatarbut

June 14, 15, 16, 2021 Public Parking Israel Festival, Yes Planet Parking Garage 7pm and 9pm

May 11th, 2021 Utopia and the Night Naot Hakikar, 8pm

March 16th, 2021 Utopia and the Night FEELBEIT, 4 NAOMI STREET, 5PM AND 8PM